Thursday, August 21, 2008

1) What is the use of APT_DUMP_SCORE ?

Ans: To get messages in logs such as no of processes, no of nodes used.

2) What are the fours types of joins possible in Joiner stage?

Ans: Inner, Left Outer, Right Outer, Full outer

3) What are the components of APT_CONFIG_FILE ?

Ans: Nodes, Fastnode, Pools, Resource

4)What are the points that needs to be considred while creating the config file?

Ans: Available nodes, CPU time, available memory, what other process to be executed on same nodes, are there any configurations restrictions ?

Eg DB only runs on certain nodes and ETL cannot run on them, Get breakdown of the resource usage? Is the hardware config SMP, Cluster or MPP?

5) When are wrappers created?

Ans:only for executable commands for unix, dos

6) When are buildups created?

Ans: More functionality, complex logic needed.

7) When are custom stage created ? ..

Ans :new operators need which are not in EE

8) What are different job sequencer stages ?

9) What is iconv and oconv functions?.

10) can we implement Slowly Changing Dimensions in DataStage?. what are the Job parameters?.

9. Plug-in?.

10.How can we improve the performance of DataStage jobs?.

11.How can we create Containers?.

12.What about System variables?.

13 What is the use of Usage analysis ?

14 Different ways a project can be moved to production ?...example ….export-import
and Version control.

15 What database is the Datastage repository use …? Answer: Universe Database

16 How is the scheduling done in the project ?

17 Which version of DataStage is used in the project?

18 What are the performance tuning required while dealing with large data ?

19 What do the reject option in transformer do?

20) How is parallelism executed?

21) What is RCP?

22) What is orchestrate

23) Difference between join, merge, and lookup stage?

24) What is dataset ?

25) Diffrenece between dataset, fileset and lookup file set?